ICU Core Meeting 4/25/2007

Mark Davis
Doug Felt
Claire Ho
Steven Loomis
Michael Ow
George Rhoten
Markus Scherer
Yoshito Umaoka
Vladimir Weinstein
Steven Loomis

  1. ICU4J 3.6.1  This is the version of ICU4J that will be bundled into the upcoming Eclipse release; it also fixes a critical problem with a failure to load some locale data.  Yoshito has it ready to release. Agreed to do (April 30).
  2. Proposed face-to-face ICU meeting on May 23. Google could host. (In that case, meeting a little earlier, 10:30-11:30, would make lunch a little easier.) (Markus) Agreed.
  3. Data stability policy for ICU maintenance releases (George)
    1. Backwards & forwards compatibility of data format (not contents) when major/minor are the same. Can add data and structure; just can't break previous code. Agreed.
    2. Existing policy requires binary compat only.

  4. String Search Bugs.  Serious, non-trivial problems.  Need to decide how to address.  (Andy)
  1. Why the 's' in static .a libraries? (libsicudata.a vs. (Markus)
    2. Library naming conventions used in ICU conflict with common Linux practice and with the operation of Linux tool options for choosing between static and dynamic libraries.
    3. Markus will file bug, investigate change (Linux, Windows, AIX are involved)

  2. server change, testing, SSL (Michael, srl)
    1. New server available for testing -- try it out (see email on icu-core list)
    2. Will allow authenticated logins
    3. New server will be wiped, so you can try out anything you want.
    4. Plan to migrate within week or two. Send problems to michael.

  3. icu time zone updater (srl)
    1. Look at external download page,
    2. Searches for installations of ICU4J and updates tzdata.

  4. Staffing for ICU (Deborah)
    1. Problems that we'd like to address, items deferred. Could see bit-rot
    2. Organizations focus on the items that are important to that organization
    3. Each organization contributes 10% to "general health"?
    4. Come up with estimate, that we can take back to our management.
    5. Ongoing work - handling incoming bugs.
    6. Take up again in next meeting.

  5. Is this way of doing the agenda working? Agreed.
    1. Andy to add snapshot to

Action Items

Number Due Who Description
52 4/18 Yoshito Open a Trac ticket for ICU4J refactoring for better handling of deprecated warnings.  Carried Over from last week.
Add documentation of 20070425#3 (Data stability policy for ICU maintenance releases) for next meeting
Look at sizing for item 20070425#4, Option B
Look at sizing for item 20070425#4, Option C.
Add note about string search bugs to user doc, send email to support/announce